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Key initiatives

Key initiatives

Advocacy partnerships

Signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers and Glasgow Financial Aliance initiativesCeres: Valuing Water Finance Initiative#5 in Europe on social responsibility/ sustainability
Founding member of the Swiss Sustainable FinanceAccess to nutrition initiative: Investor expectations on diets, nutrition and health#6 globally in the ESG Leaders ranking across all client types
Active member of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change since 2013FAIRR: Investor network focusing on ESG risks in the global food sector#5 in 2024, part of the top 10 Responsible Investment Brand Index (RIBI)
Member of the Global Impact Investing Network  
 Japan Stewardship CodeUK Stewardship CodeSwiss Stewardship code

Sources: Fund Brand 50 © Fund Buyer Focus, Broadridge Analytics Solutions Limited, Twelfth edition, March 2023
NMG Consulting 2022 Global Asset Management Study, March 2023
Hirschel and Kramer (H&K) Responsible Investment Brand Index, March 2023

Find out more about our other advocacy partnerships.

What’s new in 2023?

  • Proprietary Sustainable Investment framework, defining which economic activities are considered as sustainable.
  • Launch of China Environmental Opportunities strategy, which seeks capital growth by investing in Chinese companies operating in environmental segments.
  • Six collaborative engagement initiatives: IIGCC’s Net Zero Engagement Initiative, Nature Action 100, FAIRR’s Protein Diversification Engagement and the WBA’s Collective Impact Coalition for Ethical Artificial Intelligence.
  • ESG Risk Forum with the goal of incorporating sustainability risk considerations into our business’ risk policies and management framework.

Responsibility is in our DNA

In the below video, Marie-Laure Schaufelberger, Head of Group ESG and Stewardship at the Pictet Group, explains why our business model and unique governance have created a culture of long-term thinking inherently linked to sustainability. She considers the biggest challenges for the financial industry: we need robust ESG data and a change in the mindset to ensure sustainable practices become embedded in investor thinking.

Pictet's approach to sustainability
Video: Pictet's approach to sustainability