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Handling complaints

Pictet Asset Management Complaints handling policy

Pictet Asset Management constantly strives to provide you with the best quality of service. However, we know problems can sometimes arise, which is why our complaints handling policy is there to help you.

The two main aims of the policy are to:

  • Improve client satisfaction by handling complaints quickly and reasonably.
  • Improve our products, procedures and how we operate. By identifying weaknesses and potential problems we can make the necessary changes to improve our services.

The purpose of this guide is to explain how to submit a complaint and to inform you of our complaint handling policy and the remedies available to you.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is any written, verbal or electronic statement of a client’s dissatisfaction with Pictet Asset Management.

A request for a service, information, clarification or an opinion is not a complaint.

How to send us a complaint

You can submit a complaint at any time to your usual contact person (by e-mail or telephone) or by post to:

Luxembourg funds:
Pictet Asset Management (Europe) S.A.
Compliance Department
15, avenue J.F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg

Swiss funds:
Pictet Asset Management SA
Compliance Department
Route des Acacias 60
CH-1211 Geneva 73

You can also send a complaint by email to:

When submitting a complaint, please remember to include the following information:

  • Claimant’s full name
  • Claimant’s role on the account (e.g., account holder, client representative, attorney, etc.)
  • Contact information
  • Account number(s) involved, if any
  • Description of the complaint (detailed description of related facts)
  • Relevant document(s) and/or correspondence
  • Any other relevant information

How will your complaint be processed?

  • We will provide you with clear and transparent information on how your claim is being processed.
  • We ensure that your complaint will be handled efficiently, fairly and harmoniously.
  • We will implement corrective actions to rectify any issues that are identified when dealing with the complaint.

Free service

We will process your complaint free of charge. You will not incur any special administrative, search or other fees related to the handling of your complaint.

Quick turnaround

Pictet Asset Management will:

  • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint within three working days from the date it is received unless the response itself is provided within this period.
  • Send you a final response within eight weeks from the date the complaint is received, except in justified exceptional circumstances.


We will inform you of the status of your complaint at any time on request.

We will notify you if we are unable to provide a response within the specified time frame.


Our Sales team has the resources and expertise to ensure that complaints are handled efficiently, fairly and harmoniously. If necessary, they can draw on the expertise of all Pictet Asset Management departments to provide you with a response. Our Compliance Department is responsible for ensuring that complaints are resolved in compliance with regulations, and any material complaint is notified to the Compliance Department and the relevant Head of Department.