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By accessing this website and the products, services, information, tools and materials that it contains or describes (hereinafter, "the website"), you acknowledge that you have understood and accept the following conditions of use.  

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Access to the website is forbidden to any person from a jurisdiction (by reason of their domicile, residence, nationality or other) whose applicable laws and/or regulations prohibit the publication and/or availability of the website. 

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The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for the funds’ full documentation. Hence, the information on this website does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to implement or liquidate an investment or to carry out any other transaction. It should not be used as the sole basis for any investment decision or other decision. Any investment decision should be based on appropriate professional advice specific to the investor's needs.  

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The information and opinions on this website are provided by Pictet Asset Management SA for general information purposes only. Pictet Asset Management SA and its data suppliers make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and complete at the time of its inclusion. However, although this information is obtained from sources that are believed to be reliable, Pictet Asset Management SA and its data suppliers do not guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, that it is accurate, reliable, up-to-date or exhaustive. Furthermore, any view or opinion expressed on this website is subject to alteration without notice. Pictet Asset Management SA cannot guarantee that the information on this website has not been altered as a result of technical malfunctions (disconnection, interference by third parties, computer viruses, etc.). The latest versions of the prospectuses, Key information Documents (“KIDs”), annual reports and semi-annual reports of the investment funds are the only versions deemed to be official fund publications on which investment decisions may be based.  

Limitation of liability 
Pictet Asset Management SA and its data suppliers accept no liability for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct, indirect or consecutive, arising from accessing, using, consulting or navigating its website, or from links to other websites. 

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Past performance is no indication or guarantee of future results. Moreover, the value of and returns on the securities or financial instruments mentioned on the website may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount originally invested.  The risk factors are described in the fund prospectuses. Finally, the performance shown does not take account of any commissions or costs charged when subscribing to or redeeming units. 

NAVs relating to dates on which shares are not issued or redeemed (“non-trading NAVs”) may be published here. They can only be used for statistical performance measurements and calculations or commission calculations and cannot under any circumstances be used as a basis for subscription or redemption orders.

For hedged shareclasses, only the compartment's consolidation currency is hedged into the shareclass currency. Foreign exchange exposure, resulting from assets in the portfolio which are not denominated in the consolidation currency, can remain.

Local legal restrictions 
None of the investment funds mentioned nor any of the related prospectuses shall be distributed to persons resident in any State in which the distribution of such funds or prospectuses is contrary to local laws and/or regulations. Such persons are forbidden to access this website. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are authorised to access this website. This website contains information on a large number of investment funds registered and managed in different jurisdictions. You will be required to indicate your place of residence before being allowed to access information relating to the said investment funds. Please note that access by private investors to the said information shall be limited to the investment funds authorised for sale to the public in their country of residence. The latest versions of the prospectus, Key information Documents (“KIDs”), annual report and semi-annual report translated into the language of your country of residence conform with any requirements laid down in the laws or regulations of that country.

Foreign collective investment schemes that have appointed a Swiss paying agent and a representative (Art. 120 para. 4 CISA) and that are exclusively offered to qualified investors in Switzerland, including high-net-worth retail investors who declare that they wish to be treated as professional investors (Art. 5 para. 1 FinSA ), are exempt from the requirement to obtain authorization from the Swiss Financial Marketing Supervisory Authority (FINMA).

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In Italy, P shares of Pictet sicav are offered by the Pictet Group in its role of General Distributor only to the Pictet Group's employees and to "Qualified Investors" as defined by art. 100 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998. 

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None of the investment funds mentioned on this website is or will be registered under the "United States Securities Act" of 1933, as amended. Similarly, the investment funds mentioned on this website are not and will not be registered under the "United States Investment Company Act" of 1940, as amended. Consequently, the above-mentioned investment funds must not in any circumstances be offered or distributed: (i) in the United States of America, in any of its States or in any other political subdivision of the United States of America, or (ii) to or on behalf of or for the benefit of any United States Person (as defined in Regulation S of the "United States Securities Act" of 1933). 

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Tax treatment depends on the personal circumstances of the investor and is subject to change. Investors are advised to seek specific professional advice before making any investment decision. 

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