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Reports and policies

Regulatory disclosures

Regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR)

The SFDR is a European Union Regulation that forms part of the EU’s Action Plan to integrate sustainability considerations into its financial policy framework in order to mobilise finance for sustainable growth.

The SFDR lays down disclosure obligations for manufacturers of financial products and financial advisers toward end-investors, in relation to the integration of sustainability risks, and as regards adverse impacts on sustainability matters at entity and financial products levels.

For further details on regulatory disclosures, please refer to our Responsible Investment policy, Responsible Investment report and Regulatory Documents page.

Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II)

The Shareholder Rights Directive II is a European Union Directive that aims to promote effective stewardship and long-term investment decision taking. It sets out requirements in several key areas, including the transparency of engagement and proxy voting by asset managers, and regular reporting on the implementation of such activities.

UK Stewardship Code

The UK Stewardship Code is a voluntary code established by the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) which sets high stewardship standards for asset owners and asset managers. It comprises of a set of 12 “apply and explain” Principles.

Pictet Asset Management is supportive of efforts by regulators and policymakers to make transparency and disclosure a priority for sustainable finance. We target actions to meet disclosure requirements around our engagement and voting activities, as well as the ESG risks and opportunities of our products and their impacts on sustainability. We are looking to provide ever increasing transparency by improving reporting of our firmwide and portfolio-specific active ownership activities. In this context, we are delighted to have been named as a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code.

Please refer to our Responsible Investment report* for further details on our stewardship philosophy, governance, processes and activities against the 12 Principles.

*In this report, we also demonstrate alignment with Stewardship Codes in other jurisdictions, i.e. the EU (EFAMA Stewardship Code) and Japan (Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors)


report and policies

For more information on sustainability risks, principal adverse impacts, engagement, proxy voting and remuneration policies, please refer to our Responsible Investment policyResponsible Investment report and Regulatory Documents page.