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Emerging markets

We began investing in emerging markets in the mid-1980s. Since then, we have developed a range of fixed income, equity, long-short and multi-asset emerging markets strategies. Our aim is to help our clients capitalise on the dynamism of the emerging world, whatever their risk appetite.
Emerging markets

EM pioneers

Punching above their weight

Boasting economic growth above that of developed nations, emerging markets (EM) are a rich source of investment opportunities. Yet they remain under-represented in global indices. EM countries account for just 10 per cent of the MSCI All Countries World Index and only 3 per cent of global bond benchmarks - even though they generate 50 per cent of world GDP and corporate profitsPictet Asset Management, data as at 31.12.2023.

It’s an anomaly we believe will gradually disappear. And as it does so, investors with allocations to EM bond and equities stand to reap attractive rewards.

Early movers in emerging markets

We were early to recognise the potential of EM assets, making our first equity investment in 1989, and expanding into bonds in the late 1990s. In the decades that followed, we developed EM dollar-denominated, local currency and corporate debt investment strategies.

Today, we provide our clients with solutions to get exposure to emerging markets through equities, bonds, or a combination, adopting either a long-only or a long/short investment approach. We believe this breadth of expertise allows us to better meet our clients’ specific needs.

Human expertise

We do not impose a single investment approach on our teams. Rather, we give them the freedom to develop compelling investment ideas that meet our clients' goals.

Our emerging market investment teams are spread across the globe in our offices in London, Geneva, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and New York. They also benefit from the support of the Pictet AM Strategy Unit and our central team of Economists.