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Discerning investors value access to unique opportunities that can achieve strong results. We have used alternative strategies to meet the expectations of these investors for decades.
The new European Central Bank (ECB) Building in the East end of Frankfurt in front of the skyline, Germany. Toned picture. January 2014.

Alternative pioneers

We are one of Europe’s leading specialists and have been investing in, managing and advising on alternative investment portfolios since 1989.

As a private company, we understand private markets and believe in their potential to generate returns and support innovative businesses shaping the future. Our attention to detail, our independence and our long-term approach have brought the Pictet Group's distinctive hallmark of stability to these areas of investing.

Building on our credit heritage and in-depth expertise

Private debt

Pictet’s longstanding credit heritage and in-depth expertise provide our clients with unique private credit opportunities via direct lending and manager selection. Meticulous credit selection and strict due diligence lie at the heart of our approach. We prioritise credit fundamentals with precise asset selectivity, coupled with careful portfolio construction.


We offer bespoke financing solutions which address the strategic and operational needs of corporate borrowers in the European lower mid-market.

We locate and deliver outstanding private credit opportunities in companies with solid fundamentals that can benefit from our partnership approach and from managers with a proven, principled investment process.


Our global multi manager strategy provides a solution for those seeking diversification across managers, regions and vintages while allowing us to retain an opportunistic approach to portfolio construction.

We seek to generate returns from a diverse mix of sub-strategies that covers the entire spectrum of alternative credit such as direct lending, corporate special situations, restructuring and distressed. Investing across vintages allows investors to build all-weather exposure to the private debt asset class and to benefit from asset allocation over a credit cycle.

We understand private companies

Private equity

We seek to unlock the hidden value in private companies which drive the global economy. We do so by partnering with our manager network or through our direct offering. The companies we select are those with enduring fundamentals and proprietary, defensible assets or those which exhibit singular qualities.


Our record is based on a disciplined and systematic approach to manager selection, always seeking to improve our high-quality investment universe that is global in nature. We ensure active representation through our seats across many advisory boards.

Our clients enjoy the benefits of relationships that go back for more than three decades, yet we constantly build on our manager intelligence database and seek new investment frontiers. Our due diligence process is exacting: we deconstruct headline performance for maximum transparency, isolating true value creation that is derived from revenue growth, operational improvements and profitability.


Partnering with established General Partners on select deals offers the ability to deploy capital at a faster rate while also providing risk mitigation and portfolio diversification.

Since 1989 our investment specialists have cultivated valuable relationships with the world’s leading private equity firms. This dialogue with our extensive network of General Partners gives Pictet clients preferential access to consistent deal flow of the widest scope and the highest quality.


The Pictet name is synonymous with a pioneering approach to thematic investing. We understand that private companies are the engines of innovation across critical areas such as technology, healthcare and the environment. We align our investment approach with a firm commitment to sustainable principles. Our industry specialists apply their deep sectoral expertise to uncover attractive investment ideas. They harness their knowledge to a rigorous selection process, sourcing new opportunities and the managers who identify, resource and support the private companies destined to drive the global economy.


Direct investment brings longer-term exposure to quality private businesses in attractive markets with secular growth trends – and yet offering significant transformation potential, harnessed to the power of compounding.

Pictet’s history, culture and extensive network make us a natural partner for entrepreneurs, family-owned businesses and management teams that share our values of long-term responsible partnership. With our network comes the ability to source attractive deals – often off-market – applying a combined sectoral and geographic approach. Our focused investment targets European middle-market businesses in three defined verticals: business services, education and industrials. We have a long-term mindset, working alongside management in order to take quality businesses to the next level.

A wide offering

Real estate

We identify compelling investment opportunities through our extensive network and local presence in key European markets. We generate value through our experienced investment teams, applying our rigorous investment philosophy and processes. Our reputation makes us a trusted and valued partner.


Pictet’s network, the cumulative experience of our people and their industry relationships, allow us to provide investors direct access to opportunities through our Core Plus and Value-add strategies. We have assembled an exceptional team from top Private Equity Real Estate firms, present locally in six European countries. This gives us early and preferential access to deal prospects. 

We are active investors. We create value in our portfolio assets independently of market conditions and leveraging long-term, thematic investment drivers such as technology, sustainability, and flexibility. The European built environment faces substantial environmental challenges and changing regulation: this puts sustainability at the heart of our investment process, bringing rich potential for creation of added value.

Multi Manager

Providing diversified exposure with stable risk-adjusted returns, our multi manager platform is an ideal solution for investors. We construct diversified portfolios by blending fund vintages, geographies and strategies which include Defensive Plays, Asset Value Growth and Special Situations. 

Our managers range from the smaller niche players to the world’s largest real estate managers. We believe smaller managers with a local, hands-on approach are well placed to generate alpha through their sourcing and execution capabilities, in harmony with our high level of conviction.


Pictet’s long history as a trusted, long-term partner gives our clients access to attractive high conviction co-investment deals – at speed – through our established and extensive industry network. These opportunities may be housed as single assets or through a portfolio of assets, or alternatively sit within the context of our direct or multi manager Real Estate offerings. All our co-investment propositions are consistent with our usual high-conviction, thematic-driven investment philosophy. Target sectors and locations may vary depending on the opportunity set and market environment.

One of Europe's most established hedge fund managers

Hedge funds

Our approach to hedge funds is simple - we attract and develop talented investment teams who are passionate about what they do, can demonstrate a repeatable process and have true alpha generation potential. It is equally critical that they align with our values which include a long-term approach and focus on capital preservation.

We provide the backing of our global platform which includes research capabilities, strong corporate access as well as trading, risk, operations and client relations. In doing so, we enable them to focus on what they do best – finding and capturing investment opportunities.

Multi Manager

We have built long-term partnerships during our 30+ years in the industry. This provides us with unique access to some of the world’s most renowned hedge fund names as well as closed-capacity funds, emerging talent, and specialist firms. Our strategies are well diversified by geography, sector, and manager size and experience.

We employ a rigorous and systematic approach to external manager selection. The managers we choose share our values, tolerance for risk and are selected for their ability to generate uncorrelated alpha, resulting in exceptional long-term performance for our clients.

Direct: Single Strategy & Multi Strategy

We offer clients the opportunity to diversify their portfolios by investing in strategies that rely less on the market to generate performance; this is accomplished either through low correlation to markets, or with managed directional exposure.

Our single strategy offering has been developed over the past 15+ years. Each strategy is managed by a focused, specialist and well-supported in-house investment team. Our range of strategies single includes market neutral and directional equities as well as relative value and event-driven.

Our multi strategy products exemplify how we continue to innovate and to search for new, diversified sources of alpha in order to generate performance for our clients. They also demonstrate the prudent, risk-managed approach which is the foundation of all our investment strategies and management teams.

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