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Fixed income

We have been building our fixed income business since the early 1980s, expanding our capabilities over time to meet client needs.
Fixed income

Multi boutique offering

  • Emerging market fixed income

    We have been managing emerging market debt assets since the late 1990s. Over time, we have developed our expertise in all segments of the asset class, with team members located in London, Singapore, Hong Kong and New York.

    Today, we offer emerging market debt exposure through several investment approaches, covering sovereign and corporate issuers on a global and regional basis.

  • Developed credit

    We started offering investment grade strategies in the 1980s, followed by high-yield the following decade. In 2017 we launched a global sustainable credit approach.

    We believe credit investing requires a combination of active fundamental systematic (benchmark aware) and absolute/total return approaches (less constrained). Our Developed Markets Credit investment professionals are organised along these axes across our Geneva and London offices and supported by dedicated risk and trading functions.

  • Absolute return and global bonds

    Our Global Bonds team manages both unconstrained and more benchmark-driven multi-strategy fixed income portfolios. Investing across sovereign, credit and currencies instruments, they also offer sustainable and climate conscious strategies.

  • Swiss bonds

    We started investing in Swiss bonds in the 1990s. Today, our long-standing expertise allows us to offer investors a broad range of Swiss bond solutions, ranging from active, semi-active, passive or even SRI investment strategies. The investment style is more strategic than tactical, fundamental and based on a strong capital protection discipline.

  • Fixed income alternatives

    Building on 30+ years of fixed income expertise, expanding our offering into alternatives was as a natural evolution to meet growing needs from our clients. Today, we offer our clients access to the following approaches:

    - Frontier markets long/short;

    - European distressed & special situations;

    - European direct lending private debt.

  • Money markets

    We started managing money market assets in the 1990s.

    Our point of differentiation is that we invest in a broader opportunity-set of money market assets than a typical money market manager. This means we complement a more mainstream money market allocation.

    We offer an established range of four cash product families, domiciled across Luxembourg and Switzerland, and in various currencies: sovereign short-term money market; short-term money market; enhanced liquidity; ultra-short-term bond.

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