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Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection reasons to invest

Active Equity
Share in the potential of the megatrends driving world markets

Capturing the power of megatrends

To safeguard our future, national governments are adopting multilateral frameworks, such as global regulations to mitigate climate change. Meanwhile, evolving consumer behaviour is revolutionising how businesses operate. Consequently, companies that are able to adapt by creating innovative products and services that meet these new demands should benefit from unrivalled growth potential. By focusing on the fundamental shifts that will unfold over coming decades, a multithemed strategy could allow you to tap into areas of potentially enduring growth.

Megatrends are a discrete group of powerful social, demographic, environmental and technological forces of change that are reshaping our world.

The Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection fund aims to benefit from the powerful trends affecting human development by investing across a diverse range of industries and countries, from today’s well-established companies to the success stories of tomorrow. It targets long-term capital growth from a typically equally weighted portfolio of ten investment themes, rebalanced monthly.

Reasons to invest in Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection

  • Long-term growth prospects
    Megatrends offer compelling long-term growth opportunities impacting consumers, businesses and governments world-wide.
  • A simple investment solution
    Our multi-theme fund offers equally-weighted access to twelve investment themes – Biotech, Clean Energy, Digital, Health, Human, Nutrition, Premium Brands, Robotics, Security, SmartCity, Timber and Water – in a single investment.
  • Expert managers with dedicated specialists
    Investors benefit from expert, in-depth fund management in all twelve areas, from a company that is a proven pioneer and specialist in thematic investing.

Why now?

Whatever happens to individual companies or countries in the future, the key strategic drivers – urbanisation, technology, resources, healthcare – are likely to have a continual and significant impact on the global economy. This fund offers your clients exposure to ten fundamental themes, covering a huge range of ideas, companies and sectors, from today’s well-established companies to the success stories of tomorrow – in a single fund.

Twelve powerful investment ideas in one fund

Source: Pictet Asset Management

Who is it for?

This fund could be suitable for investors who are prepared to invest for the longer term and are willing to take a potentially higher risk with their investment.

What are the risks?

  • Past performance is not a guide to future performance. 
  • The value and income of an investment can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested.
  • The fund may be invested in emerging markets. Investments in emerging markets can potentially be of higher risk and volatility than those in developed markets.
  • Investments are made in assets that are denominated in foreign currency and are not hedged back to the base currency of the fund. Changes in exchange rates may therefore affect the value of the investments.