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The truth about climate change – an Oxford University study

Investment research
Climate change: the risks it poses and the solutions that might contain the threat. An Oxford University report sponsored by Pictet.

Amid the ongoing debate about climate change, investors often fail to appreciate the sheer weight of scientific evidence attesting to humanity’s impact on the planet. Equally, they might not know where further research is required before firm conclusions can be reached about how best to contain global warming.

The Curuai lake is almost completely dry during one of the worst droughts ever recorded in the Amazon region. Para State, Brazil.

©Daniel Beltra, courtesy of Catherin Edelman Gallery, Chicago

This paper – authored by Oxford University and sponsored by Pictet – seeks to give a brief but firm grounding on the current state of knowledge about climate change, its implications and what sort of solutions might be possible.

Written in thoughtful, clear and unemotive language by Professor Cameron Hepburn and Moritz Schwarz of the University’s Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, it is an important resource for those of us who are not climate change specialists.

It addresses several contentions – that climate change is not happening or that, if it is, it will be mild – or that, in any event humans are not causing it. The authors also address questions about the impact of climate change – whether there might be benefits, the scale of likely damage, and humans’ ability to adapt.

It is research we at Pictet are proud to have sponsored. We understand that climate change affects all of our futures, wherever we are in the world, whatever our standing.