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Global Environmental Opportunities

The Global Environmental Opportunities (GEO) strategy gives exposure to underestimated long-term persistent growth in environmental solutions.

Key facts

Strategy typeGlobal equities
Inception30 Septembre 2014
Reference indexThe strategy is not constrained by MSCI ACWI which is shown for comparison purposes only. The index does not influence portfolio construction and the strategy’s investment universe extends beyond the components of the index. Alternative global equity indexes are equally appropriate. MSCI AC World ($) NRI
Typical number of holdingsc. 35-55

How we invest

Our strategy is secular-growth driven (we invest in companies with predictable value drivers, with a long-term horizon), focused (we are experts in our concentrated investment universe) and benchmark-unconstrained (we follow an active, pure bottom-up and forward-looking approach without constraints with regards to sectors, sizes, regions or styles).

Our investment philosophy

We believe that the true value of environmental capital is not properly reflected in the market as it puts too much emphasis on short-term earnings estimates and under-prices the persistency of the secular growth and disruptive transformation of the strategy’s theme (which is backed by rapidly increasing awareness and information). We seek to exploit these pricing inefficiencies and have a positive environmental impact through the investments we make.

Our investment team

  • Luciano Diana

    Senior Investment Manager

  • Gabriel Micheli

    Senior Investment Manager

  • Yi Du

    Senior Investment Manager

  • Portrait of Katie Self at Pictet headquarter, 60 route des Accacias, 1211 Genève, Switzerland.

    Katie Self

    Investment Manager

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