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New publication: Thematic Equities

Active Equity
At Pictet Asset Management, we believe there is a different way to invest in equities –one that ignores the constraints of benchmarks and instead looks to capitalise on the structural forces shaping our world. Those forces are known as megatrends.

Since the 1990s, our specialist investment managers have been building thematic equity strategies aiming to identify the winning companies of tomorrow, in some of the world’s most dynamic industries.

Today, our thematic investment team includes over 60 dedicated investment professionals and manages a range of strategies addressing long-term societal, environmental, and technological transformations.

Inside the brochure you will find insights into the megatrends that will shape the future. We also explain how thematic strategies are run at Pictet Asset Management, highlighting:

  • Our range of thematic strategies
  • The Pictet Megatrend Framework and its significance
  • The role of Thematic Advisory Boards