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New means of resilience: how can cities rise to emerging ecological challenges?

Nestled in the Swiss Alps, The Klosters Forum aims to tackle a specific environmental challenge in an intimate, safe, and unique environment. At this year's annual event, we delved into the pressing challenge of urbanisation and underscored the urgency of collaborative efforts, innovative financing and transformative approaches.
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About The Klosters Forum

The Klosters Forum is a not-for-profit organisation, offering a neutral platform for disruptive and inspirational minds to tackle some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Its mission is to accelerate positive environmental change by developing and nurturing a growing community of leading thinkers and doers and by fostering cross-disciplinary exchange and collaborations.

The Forum hosts an environmental annual event connecting high-profile participants from the fields of science, business, politics and industry, as well as NGOs, creative minds and sustainability experts in a neutral and discreet environment. This year, the annual forum took place on 25-27 June with a focus on urban resilience.

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Pictet’s partnership with The Klosters Forum

The Pictet Group is pleased to be a partner of The Klosters Forum for a fourth consecutive year. United by a shared mission, we are committed to draw attention to some of the most critical environmental challenges of our era and explore the role of cities in addressing them.

We believe investors – in both listed and private markets – play an instrumental role as stewards of global capital. On the one hand, they can provide vital funding to the companies developing products and services that can reverse ecological damage, or use value creation levers to boost environmental resilience. On the other, they alone have the power to withhold or withdraw capital from businesses that fail to take their sustainable responsibilities seriously.