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Active Swiss Equities

Since our first investment in Swiss equities in 1998, we have developed a broad range of investment strategies covering the full market capitalisation spectrum, allowing us to meet our clients’ specific needs. Today, we manage large, small and mid cap strategies, as well as long/short portfolios.

Key facts

Market proximityPrivileged access to relevant decision makers
Investment focusCompanies' cash generation (CFROI)
Types of strategies on offerLarge, small and mid cap, long/short

How we invest

Our team applies a disciplined bottom-up stock selection process leaning on our in-depth knowledge of Swiss-listed companies.

The investment team integrate their local expertise with that of Pictet Asset Management’s global research network.

Our investment philosophy

The team’s investment approach is based on three key beliefs.

First, they believe that an active and disciplined securities selection process based on fundamental analysis leads to long-term outperformance.

Second, the team focuses on companies of above-average quality with a strong management team, sustainable growth, positive free cash flow and solid balance sheets.

Third, the methodology used to select securities is based on a valuation approach that takes both the companies’ cash-flow potential and their invested capital into account.

Our portfolio managers

  • REINHARD-Lorenz

    Lorenz Reinhard

    Head of Swiss Equities

  • Andreas Hug

    Co-head of Swiss Equities

  • Fabian Haecki

    Senior Investment Manager

  • CATTANEO-Fabrizo

    Fabrizio Cattaneo

    Senior Investment Manager

  • QAZIMI-Driton

    Driton Qazimi

    Investment Manager

Contact us

Pictet Asset Management has been serving institutional clients since the early 1980s. Our offices in Japan are centrally located in Tokyo and Osaka.

For further questions, please contact our Institutional Sales Department: Telephone: +813-3212-3490; e-mail: