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Global Thematic Opportunities

The Global Thematic Opportunities (GTO) strategy takes the highest conviction best ideas from across our individual thematic strategies.

Key facts

Strategy typeGlobal equities
Inception30 September 2016
Reference indexThe strategy is not constrained by MSCI ACWI which is shown for comparison purposes only. The index does not influence portfolio construction and the strategy’s investment universe extends beyond the components of the index. Alternative global equity indexes are equally appropriate.MSCI AC WORLD ($) NRI
Typical number of holdingsc. 50

How we invest

The strategy seeks to outperform the global equity market. We aim to achieve this by investing in around 50 positions representing the team’s highest convictions, utilising Pictet’s market leading thematic equity resource. Our strategy is active, secular growth driven, focused and unconstrained. 

Our investment philosophy

We believe that the equity market tends to underprice the persistence of secular growth. We seek to exploit this inefficiency by selecting stocks with value drivers (sales growth and margins) linked to megatrends, where our research leads us to believe that growth will not fade.

Our investment team

  • Hans Peter Portner

    Head of Thematic Equities

  • Gertjan Van Der Geer

    Senior Investment Manager

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