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Institutional strategies

Our investment expertise spans equities, fixed income, money markets and alternatives. We’ve presented below a selection of the strategies that we believe can be of particular interest for institutional investors.

Thematic equities

  • Clean Energy Transition

    The clean energy transition is driving transformations in entire industries, creating opportunities in some of the fastest growing economic sectors.

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  • Global Environmental Opportunities

    One of our key environmental strategies, Global Environmental Opportunities gives exposure to the underestimated long-term growth in environmental solutions.

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  • Global Thematic Opportunities

    Leveraging on our pioneering expertise in thematics, the Global Thematic Opportunities strategy seeks to generate alpha by selecting the highest-conviction best ideas from across our individual thematic strategies.

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  • Positive Change

    A global, diversified, unconstrained equity strategy, Positive Change invests not only in those companies that are already leaders in sustainability, but also in those that have the potential and willingness to improve.

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  • Quest Global Sustainable

    Quest Global Sustainable is a complementary equity strategy that leverages the scale and rigour of a quantitative approach to achieve stable long-term outperformance with lower drawdowns over a cycle.

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  • Quest AI-Driven Global

    Quest AI-Driven Global is a strategy that aims to deliver compounding outperformance by harnessing the scale and efficiency of artificial intelligence for stock selection in an enhanced index product with low tracking error and lower fees.

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Swiss assets

  • Active Swiss Equities

    Since our first investment in Swiss equities in 1998, we have developed a broad range of investment strategies covering the full market capitalisation spectrum, allowing us to meet our clients’ specific needs. Today, we manage large, small and mid cap strategies, as well as long/short portfolios.

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  • CHF-Denominated Bonds

    We started investing in CHF-denominated bonds in the 1990s. Today, our long-standing expertise allows us to offer our clients a broad range of investment strategies, ranging from active, semi-active, passive and SRI investment strategies.

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Fixed income

  • Absolute Return

    Our Absolute Return Fixed Income strategy is an unconstrained global fixed income approach that seeks to achieve attractive returns with limited downside risk.

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  • Emerging Markets

    Since our first investment in Emerging Markets Fixed Income in 1998, we have developed our expertise and reach. Today, we offer emerging market debt exposure through several investment approaches, covering sovereign and corporate issuers on a global and regional basis.

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Liquidity solutions

  • Sovereign Short-Term and Short-Term Money Market Funds, Enhanced Liquidity and Ultra Short-Term Bonds

    We offer an established range of four cash product families, available in various currencies and domiciled across Luxembourg and Switzerland. Our funds are registered with all major money market fund platforms.

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Private assets

  • Europe Direct Lending

    Our European Direct Lending strategy focuses on the lower mid-market, which we believe offers our clients a differentiated value-add proposition. As such it can be suitable for new investors taking their first steps into the asset class, or for sophisticated investors seeking to diversify their existing allocation.

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