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Pictet LPP Indices

Since 1985 Pictet Asset Management has been publishing indices measuring returns on portfolios that are representative of investment strategies pursued by Swiss pension funds. The indices are identified by the numbers 25 40 and 60 which coincide with the percentage of equities held and which in particular indicate the risk profiles of the LPP families launched in the years 2000 2005 and 2015. Find out more about the three Pictet indices families below:

Introduction and access data

These indices are designated with the acronym of LPP, a reference to the Loi sur la prévoyance professionnelle (Swiss Federal Law on Occupational Retirement Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans), which came into force in 1985.

For pension fund managers, choices on strategic allocation are among the most significant active management decisions they make.

The LPP indices were subsequently adjusted several times, in 1993, 2000, 2005 and 2015. Since then, they have been regarded as benchmark indices in the Swiss pension fund sector.

Access daily valuation of the indices here:

Pictet LPP Indices 2000

The introduction of the Pictet LPP Indices 2000 allowed the requirements of numerous pension funds to be taken into account through the publication of three risk profiles.

Access daily valuations of the indices here:

Composition of the Pictet LPP 2000 Indices

The table below shows the weightings of the three indices

Investment categoriesIndicesLPP-25 2000LPP-40 2000LPP-60 2000
Bonds 756040
SwissSwiss Bond Index AAA-BBB604525
EURBloomberg Euro Aggregate101010
WorldBloomberg Global Aggregate
Equities 254060
SwitzerlandSwiss Performance Index101520
WorldMSCI AC World152540
Currency exposure 304055

Source: Pictet Asset Management

Key points

The innovations of the Pictet LPP Indices 2000 include:

  • The investment limits of the OPP2 (Swiss Federal Law on Occupational Retirement Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans) are not binding;
  • The equities portion of two of the three indices are considerably higher;
  • The equity investments are broadly diversified;
  • For foreign currency risks a clear distinction is made between equities and bonds;
  • EURO bonds represent a new investment category;
  • Foreign equities now also include emerging markets;
  • The bond indices now contain both government and corporate debt paper.

Pictet LPP Indices 2005

The Pictet LPP Indices 2005 introduced alternative investment categories (hedge funds, private equity) and used broad indices for the traditional categories, including emerging country debt and high yield bonds, as well as emerging markets and small cap companies for equities.

Access daily valuations of the indices here:

Composition of the Pictet LPP 2005 Indices

The table below shows the weightings of the three indices

Investment categoriesIndicesLPP-25 plus 2005LPP-40 plus 2005LPP-60 plus 2005
Bonds 655030
SwissSwiss Bond Index AAA-BBB403015
WorldBloomberg Multiversehedged in CHF
Equities 203045
SwissSwiss Performance Index7.51015
WorldMSCI AC World IMI12.52030
Real estate 101010
SwissSXI Real Estate Funds7.552.5
WorldDow Jones Global Select RESI2.5
Hedge fundsHFRX Global Hedge Fund12.557.5
Private equityLPX502.557.5
Currency exposure 17.53045

Source: Pictet Asset Management

Key points

The innovations of the Pictet LPP 2005 are the following:

  • Equities World are more broadly diversified by including small caps
  • Bonds World include high yield and emerging market bonds
  • Real Estate Switzerland and World are included
  • Hedge Funds are included
  • Private Equity are included
  • Foreign currency risk for Bonds World and Hedge Funds is hedged into CHF

Pictet LPP Indices 2015

The family of Pictet LPP Indices 2015 offers strategic allocations that are efficient to implement. These indices feature explicit allocations to specific investment categories such as emerging debt, corporate bonds in euros, small cap equities, Swiss real estate and absolute return strategies.

Access daily valuations of the indices here:

Composition of the Pictet LPP 2015 Indices

The table below shows the weightings of the three indices

Investment categoriesIndicesLPP-25 2015LPP-40 2015LPP-60 2015
Bonds 655030
SwissSwiss Bond Index AAA-BBB453010
Developed countriesFTSE World Government Bond Index1101010
Emerging countriesBloomberg EM LC Government Capped
CorporatesBloomberg Euro Aggregate Corporate1555
Equities 254060
SwissSwiss Performance Index101520
WorldMSCI AC World152030
World Small CapMSCI World Small Cap0510
Swiss real estateSXI Real Estate Funds555
Absolute returnHFRX Global Hedge Fund1555
Currency exposure 203045

Source: Pictet Asset Management

Key points

The Pictet LPP 2015 indices differ from the Pictet LPP 2000 and 2005 indices in the following ways in particular:

  • Reduced bond weighting in favour of Swiss real estate and "absolute return" strategies with potential for more favourable long-term returns.
  • Within bonds, reduction in the home country bias relating to Swiss franc bonds in favour of three well-defined segments: sovereign issuers in the developed countries, emerging market debt in local currency, and corporate bonds in euros.
  • Within international equities, addition of small caps to the allocation grid.
  • As previously mentioned, addition of Swiss real estate and "absolute return" strategies in order to benefit from additional risk premia and significant diversification effects.
  • Hedging of foreign currency risk relating to bonds ex emerging debt and to "absolute return" strategies.

Method of calculation

How we calculate the performance

To calculate the performance, weightings are rebalanced or adjusted at the end of every month (meaning that, at the start of the month, the original portfolio structure is "restored"), whereas during the course of the month, a buy-and-hold strategy is adopted.

Since the data received from our providers may change retrospectively, we calculate the LPP indices in the following manner.

Each day, the daily performances of the LPP indices for the last 3 months are re-calculated using a 3-month history of the sub-indices. Thus, we ensure that LPP-indices and the underlying sub-indices are consistent.

This procedure implies that there may be changes in the data already published.

Therefore, we kindly advise you to always check our most recent data before using any previously downloaded performance history.


Pictet LPP indices

If you have a question about our indices, please contact us.


Pictet LPP indices are a combination of underlying indices for which Pictet assigns, sets and reviews the weights. Under the Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 (the ‘Benchmark Regulation’) this is not considered the provision of a new benchmark but is only to be interpreted as a use of the underlying indices. Pictet LPP indices are not available for use by third parties within the European Union and are only available for use in Switzerland.