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European Direct Lending

We offer bespoke financing solutions which address the strategic and operational needs of corporate borrowers in the European lower mid-market.

Building on a longstanding heritage in fixed-income and alternatives investing, Pictet Asset Management has set up a pan-European private debt platform under the leadership of Andreas Klein, Head of Private Debt.

Our European Direct Lending strategy aims to deliver strongEuribor base rate + c.8% gross yield. This objective is based on the achievement of market assumptions approved by the management company. The scenarios presented are an estimate of future performance based on evidence from the past on how the value of this investment varies, and/or current market conditions and is not an exact indicator. What you will get will vary depending on how the market performs and how long you keep the investment/product. The expected future performance does not in any way constitute a promise of future returns. All forms of investment involve risk. The value of investments and the income derived from them is not guaranteed and it can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested. long-term risk-adjusted returns by providing debt financing for privately-owned lower mid-market companies in Europe (EBITDA of €5-15 million). The strategy was launched in 2023 and deployment of committed capital has started.

"We look for deals involving niche, robust businesses across low-beta industries such as Healthcare, Education, Business Services and Software/Tech. "
Our investment beliefs
1. Credit fundamentals2. Lower-mid market alpha
We believe the biggest determinant of long-term success is the underlying credit fundamentals of any investee company and its market nicheWe have a strong conviction that the lower-mid market offers the best risk/return opportunities
3. Liquidity and resilience4. Local expertise

We believe that asset-light businesses with visible, recurring revenues and a flexible operating base maintain liquidity and resilience through an economic cycle 

We believe that local expertise is vital to generate original and high-value investment opportunities and to provide a deep understanding of local legislative frameworks 
5. Partnership6. Risk management by design

We believe in a proactive partnership approach to help create value through strategic, operational and ESG guidance 

Risk analysis is a crucial part of credit due diligence, with each investment structured and documented to mitigate the probability and impact of any residual risk

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Deal examplesDeal examples provided for illustrative purposes only. They shall not be considered as a direct offering, investment recommendation or investment advice. Reference to a specific security is not a recommendation to buy or sell that security. Current deals may be subject to change.

Time Tac GmbH

Country: Austria
Area of activity: Cloud-based (SaaS) time tracking software solution
Deal type: Senior-secured term facilities to support the primary buy-out of the company
Investment date: February 2024

Mlase AG

Country: Germany
Area of activity: Excimer laser heads manufacturer for the MedTech industry
Deal type: Unitranche financing solution for the primary buyout of the company
Investment date: August 2023

Licel Environment

Country: France
Area of activity: Software solutions for property diagnosticians
Deal type: Unitranche financing for the sponsorless primary buy-out of the company
Investment date: July 2023

Source: Pictet Asset Management, February 2024.