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Liquidity Solutions provider since 1997

Our liquidity solutions consist of an established range of four cash product families, domiciled across Luxembourg and Switzerland, and in various currencies.

Why invest with Pictet Asset Management for your liquidity solutions?

  • Focus on risk management and capital preservation
  • Active approach to managing client assets
  • Experienced and stable money market team, part of a leading European asset manager
  • Strong ESG and corporate sustainability credentials
  • Long & consistent track record in delivering superior yield premiums

What we offer

  • Liquidity, security & diversification

  • Some funds rated aaa-mf by Moody’s*

  • Offering of SFDR Article 8 & Article 6 equivalent

  • Dedicated client service

How to invest

Our funds are registered with most third-party money market fund platforms. A full list of our Money Market funds, together with key fund characteristics, is provided in the Liquidity Solutions brochure.

*GBP, USD and EUR Luxembourg-domiciled and all Swiss-domiciled Short-Term Money Market Funds; as well as Swiss- and Luxembourg- domiciled USD and EUR Sovereign Short-term Money Markets funds.

Pictet Asset Management liquidity solutions are not capital guaranteed. The decision to invest in the promoted fund should take into account all the characteristics or objectives of the promoted fund as described in its prospectus.